The Law of Attraction and What It Means for Kyova

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Mass Hysteria

Mass hysteria is a social phenomenon that we’ve likely all heard about at some point in our lives. You know the stories. The crazed towns of old traditional folks burning the women alive solely because of their paranoia. The clueless radio-listeners believing that a fictional story about extra-terrestrials was a news report and panicking.

Healthline describes mass hysteria as “an outbreak of unusual and uncharacteristic behaviors, thoughts and feelings, or health symptoms shared among a group of people,” and that “people commonly use the term mass hysteria to describe a rapid spread of panic and fear.”

Mass hysteria is considered to be a negative phenomenon, causing turmoil among populations and creating unnecessary problems. Yet, I can envision a region employing the symptoms of mass hysteria flipped upside down. 

Kyova’s Cloud of Negativity

It’s no secret that there’s a cloud of negativity hanging over our region. You can feel the cynicism day in and day out. One of our biggest claims to fame is the top spot on America’s most miserable metropolitan areas list. Where does this misery come from?

It hasn’t always been like this. At one point we were a proud region. At one point we were a thriving region. And at one point, the best days felt like they were in front of us. Somehow we lost that along the way. Was it deindustrialization? Was it the drug epidemic? Whatever it was, it happened rapidly. 

Millennials, Generation Z, and Generation Alpha have never experienced a thriving region. We’ve witnessed brain drain happening for actual decades now. Most of my high school peers left for greener pastures in cities like Lexington or Cincinnati, but what if we could turn the tide? What if we stopped with the brain drain and started with the brain gain? 

What if instead of a rapid spread of panic, we experienced a rapid spread of calmness? What if we experienced a rapid spread of confidence instead of fear? I believe that there is a solution to our woes sitting right in front of our faces in new age spirituality, and more specifically the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is the New Thought spiritual belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. The belief is based on the idea that people and their thoughts are made from “pure energy” and that like energy can attract like energy, thereby allowing people to improve their health, wealth, or personal relationships.

Wikipedia, Law of Attraction
Spiritual teacher Neville Goddard. “2016 – Neville Goddard – aquarelle” by bDom is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

New age spirituality has replaced traditional Abrahamic religions in modern western society, and thanks to the Second Renaissance of the free Internet, the law of attraction and manifestation have quickly become core beliefs of the Millennial generation and Generation Z. 

Instead of a physical deity called God, we believe in the Universe itself. After all, the universe is just a huge, complex computer program that is also capable of feeling emotions and having existential thoughts. It is commonly said that we are the universe experiencing itself.

Think about it. 

Many billions of years ago a rapid expansion of pure energy ultimately led to the development of gigantic spheres of fire and smaller-but-still-huge rocks, and on those rocks a certain specific combination of chemicals resulted in the earliest forms of life which were naturally programmed to replicate and change themselves, culminating in a walking bipedal creature capable of typing these words onto a Macbook that his species created, and here you are reading it. Amazing, right?

On Energy

The underlying theme here is that the Universe is literally just made of energy. Everything is energy. The sun and all the stars, the dark space in between the stars, and everything in between is composed of an infinite number of tiny vibrations happening all the time. So when the miraculous and electric piece of meat that is your brain produces thoughts, those vibrations are then pushed out into the Universe, and like gravity, you’re attracted to more of the energy that you’re producing. The core belief of the Law of Attraction is that your thoughts create your reality, and I believe that too. 

I’m not an expert on the Law, but you can click here for a full course on transforming your life and living your wildest dreams! Alternatively, you can sign up for a free trial of Audible and listen to the classic Law of Attraction book “Feeling is the Secret” at no cost!

The energy in Kyova is wonky. We have our problems. The drug epidemic, homelessness, and obesity to name a few. There is a general cloud of negative energy that floats over top of us day in and day out, and eventually we’re going to have to take responsibility for that cloud of negativity and change it for the better. We need rays of positivity, even if that positivity comes from pure delusion itself. We have to fake it until we collectively make it as a region.


We could build this.

What if we taught our children that their thoughts created their reality? What if we believed it ourselves? How different would this place be? 

I envision a region in which we uplift ourselves every single day, collectively. 

I envision a region which is abundant with resources, because we believed that we were abundant with resources and created the opportunities to make that happen. 

I envision a region that is not the most miserable place in America, but one of the happiest places in America. 

I believe that we can achieve all of these things so long as we trust in the Law and trust the process. 

The Law of Attraction is at the crux of Come to Kyova. The vision is that if we build a positive space full of good energy and vibrations all around, they will come. They could be anybody in the world. Any region, any city, any state, any nation. 

We have to collectively change our mindset and imagine all of the possibilities instead of dwelling on the lack of opportunities that we feel. We have to vocalize it and speak it into existence and tell that positive energy to come here. Come to Kyova. 

I want you to really dig deep here for a minute and think to yourself… if you could manifest anything for yourself and for Kyova, what would it be and why would it be that? Whatever it is, ask yourself why you believe it’s impossible. Challenge that idea that it’s impossible and believe, with faith, that it is possible, and see what happens. I promise you it’ll be good.